Sophia - Feb. 10 '97: Paradiso, Amsterdam (NL)
Sophia - Feb. 10 '97: Paradiso, Amsterdam (NL)
I hope the mailing-list will not overflow with reviews from this concert. (a lot of the people on the mailing-list where there, I think).
Yes, Sophia finally came to Holland too. We arrived in Amsterdam at around 20:30. Got something to eat and then headed towards the Leidseplein. After asking for directions, we came to Paradiso (I'd never been there before). Absolutely no posters of Sophia where hanging outside the building. Just a handwritten paper saying 'Sophia - doors open at 22:00'.
After we got in, the waiting for Sophia could begin. The crowd probably consisted mostly of TGM-fans (A number of people were still regretting that they didn't go to a concert when they had a chance).
After a while they started to play. They played most of the album and the new ones that were already mentioned on the mailing-list. I agree that Going down the River is very God Machine-like.
But then I find most of the songs lyricly TGM-like.
Well, what can I say? It was probably one of the most quiet concerts I've ever been to (it's no Neurosis :-), and I loved every minute of it. Especially when Robin came back for the encore. The crowd was so quiet I could hear the floorboard creak when people moved their feet :-)
After buying a t-shirt and a poster and no cd (they were sold out very quickly) we caught a train and got some sleep.
BTW Good news, the people selling the merchandise told me that Sophia will probably play at the Campingflight to Lowlands Paradise-festival this summer. I'm very curious how they're going to play for a larger crowd.
Philippus, Purity-list