Sophia - Feb. 19 ’04: Fabrik, Hamburg (D), with Jansen

Review 1
Although I live in Hamburg I never went to the Fabrik so I was kind of surprised about how big the Fabrik in Hamburg is. I mean a "big venue" for a sophia gig.

Jansen were quite interesting but I think as a complete band they must be much better.

It seemed that Robin P. S. was quite happy because he talked to the people in the front row while he was checking the equipment a couple of minutes before the show started. But he remarked after ¾ of the show that his leg was shaking at the begining because of the big crowd in hamburg compared to the last show there. Actually he talked a lot to the audience. He also told the " for-150-dollars-ebay-good-machine-demo-sellers" to fuck off . At every Sophia gig you´ll find some strange people who think that they´ll be the ones that are privileged to listen to a good machine song performed by Sophia but somehow they don´t understand...

In reference to the music it was a very good show. What I found interesting was that beside a really rocking version of "If A Change Is Gonna Come" even the older sophia songs like "Every Day" were performed with more dynamic and louder guitars. So I think it´s going to be a bit louder on the next records but that´s just a guess. It would be a consequent development anyway.

After the show some friends of mine met Robin in a bar. Unfortenately I went home right after the show.
Marc A. Steiling

Review 2
Three days later and I feel able to finally write a little review about the Sophia Concert.

Most of you probably dont know Sophia, they are still a pretty unknown band and until last summer I havent heard of them either. But D. had a cd with her when we were travelling around and we were listening to Sophia all the time. Especially in the evenings and even more at the end of the journey when we were so terribly sad that we'd have to go back to Hamburg.
Since then I've been listening to Sophia obsessively and D. and I always hoped to see them live but never thought that would happen one day since we hardly heard anything new about the band. But when the tourdates came out we couldnt believe it. And on February 19th was the big day.

We arrived at the venue at around 8 and went to the stage immediatly. We sat ourselves on the stage and remained there until the end.
It took quite a while until the concert finally started.
Before the concert, we've met D.'s ex boyfriend, which annoyed me quite abit. He told me, that he has just bought "Fixed Water". And he told me "You still can get it on Ebay for 28 €". I only thought "Fuck you" but didnt react cause I didnt feel like talking to him. He noticed that and did stupid comments like "T. is probably on drugs again" (cause he believes I'm doing drugs).

Anyway. At around 9:15 the supporters band "Jansen" appeared on stage.
Not my kind of music really. Two guys doing songs that sound like french chansons but in German. The guys were funny and seemed nice, but I usually always hate supporters band cause it makes the time until the concert seem even longer.
They performed around 45 minutes but inbetween we already saw Robin Proper-Sheppard, singer of Sophia, standing in the back of the venue. Watching him was a nice destraction.

Then there was another break of a couple of minutes and then Robin finally appeared on stage, doing a soundcheck.
A terrible Groupie, blonde and with big tits threw herself on him straight away. He seemed rather irritated but she was really turned on when he shook her hand.

D. was really excited and hyper, I wasnt at all. I was really calm. Very unusual for me as I am always excited before concerts. But I was a little afraid what would happen if he played some older songs. And justifiably so.

Sophia started performing. Finally. We still sat on the stage. Almost right in the middle. Around 1 or 2 meters away from Robin. We had the best view ever and I am sad that I didnt have a camera with me.
Robin started with the song "I left you". An old song which is sad and D. and I looked at us and thought about the same "Oh great, he starts with the old ones, the ones that always get us".
But then, the second horribly sad song. "If only" ( "If only I could believe that tomorrow when I wake from my sleep that you'll still be with me, oh my love, my love will always be").
D. had tears in her eyes straight away. I started crying at the first chorus. I knew that we would cry but not at the second song already. We actually spent the whole song hugging and crying.

The next couple of songs were a mixture of older songs and some of the new songs. We didnt cry and could relax and enjoy the beautiful songs. I personally got annoyed by this groupie who was rocking and headbanging to some songs. And that was so not appropriate when he is singing about death and loss.

Robin seemed to be in quite a good mood. He was talking alot between the songs and made some jokes and generally said some amusing things. He seemed like a really sweet and lovely man.
The first part of the concert went over so fast. He went off stage and B. said "That was it, he wont do an enchore". But he did.
He came back on stage and said "This was the first song I wrote after the death of my friend and bassist from the godmachine. Its called "So Slow". I just looked at D. and said "Oh fuck, no".
During the first few lines the tears shot into my eyes and during the first chorus ("but death comes so slow when you're waiting to be taken, and death comes so slow when it's all you want and it takes the ones that don't") I was crying terribly. D. and I again spent the entire song hugging and crying. My make up was completely messed up and I couldnt see properly anymore, but I just couldnt stop crying as I associate this song with someone I would like to forget or at least get over.
Robin kept looking at us during the song, saw how we were crying.
Thank god, during the next two songs we could calm down.
Then, a few minutes before midnight he left the stage but said he would sign some cds afterwards.

We of course went to the table to get something signed. We didnt have cds, but we let him sign our ticket and into our agenda (in which also Conor Oberst, Azure Ray and Pat Onkes signed already).
I started talking with this roadie guy who sold cds, I said "I'd love to have a cd as well, but I am a very poor student. But it was my birthday two days ago, could I have a cd for free?"
- "Its your birthday today?"
- "Erm, yes"
- "Oh, Happy Birthday"
- "Thank You"
- "Unfortunatly I cant give you a cd anyway"
- "Awww. What about that poster?"
- "Oh, thats only decoration, and its promised already"
- "Oh damn, ok, thanks anyway"
And then he sang "Happy Birthday" to me, which also Robin noticed.

Then it was our turn to get signatures by Robin. He was really nice and sweet and we were talking for quite some while. But it was pretty crowded so we went away but stayed near the table. When most of the people were gone we went back to the table to talk to him again. All suddenly we saw how a big package of posters were brought to the table. Robin just looked at us, smiled and handed us two posters straight away.
We wanted to get a signature on the poster as well and stood ourselves on the table again. Robin looked at us and just said "Ah, the Birthday Girl". He wrote a huge "Happy Birthday T." on my poster (which is now glueing on my wall and looks awesome).
D. and I told him that his songs are the only ones that make us cry immediatly and he said "Yeah I saw it during "So Slow"."
After some small talk D. again brought my birthday up. We stood infront of Robin, made big sad eyes and he just said smiling "Oh look at these girls ... what cd would you like to have?"
I couldnt believe it.
I chose "Fixed Water". The cd B. was showing off with a couple of hours before.
On D.'s poster he then wrote "See you on your birthday?"
We again said Thank You and left the venue cheering and laughing.

I kinda guessed Robin would be cool, people who write such songs have to be cool, but I never thought he would be so incredibly nice and sweet and lovely.

After the concert we went and ate Falafel. And during that we tried to make plans how to see Sophia again. We are really poor at the moment so we couldnt go to Hanover yesterday or Berlin tomorrow. But Sophia are in Cologne next month and we are seriously considering going there. I am sure Robin would remember us.

I've been listening to nothing but "Fixed Water" since Friday and its one of the best records I own. Its so wonderful and just awesome. I cant get enough of Sophia.
That concert was, without any exaggeration the best concert I have ever been to.
So many emotional up and downs. At first excitement, then extreme sadness and many tears, then some chilling and enjoying, then even more sadness and more tears and then overwhelming happiness when I got the cd.

But still I feel overly sad lately. I dont even exactly know why. I think its because of all the insecurity concerning my future. I have no idea what to do after school. We said we'll travel around but ... I dont see that happening yet. We have no money at all. And I have no idea how to get lots of money quickly without doing something horrible like working.

Maybe I should marry a rich musician. Or just become a roadie / groupie who travels around with a band. Or maybe I should move my spoiled ass and do something for money.

Review 3
Die pralle Frühlingssonne samt Wind und Regenschauern
Ein wenig traurig klinge der Name "Sophia" ja schon, so Frontmann und Mastermind Robin Proper-Sheppard in einem Interview. Ein wenig traurig drein schauten in der Tat einige der Besucher in der ansehnlich gefüllten Hamburger Fabrik. Andere dagegen knutschten unentwegt, während ein nicht minder beträchtlicher Teil des Auditoriums sich fortwährend in Plauderlaune zeigte. Letzteres war beim gelinde gesagt unaufgeregten Support Jansen noch vertretbar.

Jansen, die aus den eigentlich unsterblichen M.Walking on the Water hervorgegangenen beiden Krefelder, erregten zwar Aufsehen durch einen sich karussellisch drehenden, aus vielen kleinen Lämpchen bestehenden Sonnenschirm, blieben ansonsten aber blass. Eloquenz und Charisma erfüllten erst den Raum, als gegen 22 Uhr Proper-Sheppard und Band die kleine Bühne betraten. Nichteingeweihten fiel es schwer zu glauben, dass dieser Mann im eleganten Dunkelblau mal Mitglied einer Industrial-Kult-Combo namens The God Machine gewesen sein soll und jetzt Lieder schreibt, die auf dem aktuellen Album "People are like Seasons" mit solch scheinender Melancholik vorgetragen werden, dass es einem die pralle Frühlingssonne samt Wind und Regenschauern in die Augen treibt.

"I left You" an den Beginn zu setzen, zeugte schon von ziemlicher Dreistigkeit. Andere würden sich alle vorhandenen Finger danach lecken, einen solchen repetitiven Edelstein als Abschluss auf der Setlist zu haben, Proper-Sheppard warf dagegen diesen großartigen Achtminüter als Opener ins Rennen. "Every Day" und "Oh my Love" wurden danach zum livehaftig gewordenen Teil eines imaginären Mixtapes. Nach Gitarrenwechsel geriet „The River Song“ hörbar zum vielfach herbeigewünschten Teil eines Ganzen, das zu zwei Dritteln aus Songs von "People are like Seasons" bestand, aber auch gerne auf "The Infinite Circle"-Zeiten zurückschaute.

"Swept Back", auf der aktuellen Scheibe schon zum Dauer-Repeat verurteilt, leitete über in einen Zugabenteil, welcher mit "So Slow", dem ersten Stück nach dem Tod des "God Machine"-Weggefährten Jimmy Fernandez, begann. Zugaben, so führte Proper-Sheppard aus, seien der Teil des Konzerts, welcher sich dem Zeitpunkt gefährlich nähere, an dem in den großen Städten die Besucher zu den letzten Bahnen eilen. Diesem Phänomen begegnete er zu oft, aber heute treffe er diese alten "Fans" wieder auf seinen Konzerten, und sie bringen alte "God Machine"-Scheiben zum Signieren mit. Man sah dem Manne während seiner Erzählungen das Unbehagen über derlei Spuren der Vergangenheit nur zu gut an. "The River Song" und das prophetische "A Change Is Gonna Come" ließen kurze Zeit später allerdings den Gedanken an die letzten Bahnen kaum zu und machten vergessen, dass das Licht an diesem Abend auch wieder angehen könnte.

Gar nicht verschlossen und abgekehrt von dieser Welt traten Sophia auf, wie mancher im Vornherein befürchtete. Warum dieses Ganze am Ende "nur" 11 von möglichen 12 Punkten auf der Richterskala bekommen kann, lag lediglich an der Akustik, die, erst einen Tacken zu laut, dem Schlagzeug eine Idee zu viel Präsenz einräumte und dann noch mit kurzen linksseitigen Insuffizienzen zu kämpfen hatte. Wohl dem, der auf der mitternächtlichen Heimfahrt im Nachklang nicht auf die Radiosender unserer Breiten angewiesen war. Ein wenig traurig wäre das dann am Ende doch auch schon wieder gewesen…
Michael Kellenbenz,

Review 4
lange musste ich warten bis ich nach dem grandiosen 2001er konzert wieder robin proper-sheppard mit sophia live sehen konnte. letzte woche war es dann so weit. war das konzert vor beinahe drei jahren noch rein akustisch mit gitarre, klavier und streichquartett, stand diesmal eine komplette band auf der bühne -ohne streicher- um sophias neuste platte people are like seasons vorzustellen.
und auch mit band verstehen es sophia das publikum zu fesseln. die traurigen stücke standen dabei im deutlichen gegensatz zu einem offensichtlich bestens gelaunten proper-sheppard. wie rührend schön die musik ist, lässt sich wohl am besten dadurch verdeutlichen, dass bereits nach dem ersten stück am rande der bühne die ersten tränen flossen! das programm bestand aus einer guten mischung aller alben und enthielt sogar das wunderbare are you happy now vom ersten album fixed water. die wenigen "rockigen" stücke wie the river und if a change is gonna come kamen alle hintereinander am schluss des konzertes. die versionen waren dabei so intensiv, dass ich gleich von mehreren leuten nach dem konzert gefragt wurde, ob es sich dabei um god machine songs handelte.
besonders interessant war auch der gitarrist: adam franklin, gitarrist und sänger der legendären swervedriver! er verstand es, durch seinen sehr eigenen stil und ungewöhnliche sounds, die fehlenden streicher mühelos zu ersetzen. sehr beeindruckend das, besonders wenn man wie ich leider nie in den genuss gekommen ist, swervedriver live erleben zu dürfen.
einziger wehmutstropfen war die anlage der fabrik. zuletzt war ich vor ca. zwei jahren auf einem konzert dort. damals fielen schon ständig die boxen auf der linken seite aus. leider passierte das diesmal auch, glücklicherweise erst zum schluss. unbegreiflich, dass die crew der fabrik, das problem in zwei jahren(!) nicht in den griff bekommen hat!

I Left You
If Only
Are You Happy Now
Ship In The Sand
Desert Song No. 2
Every Day
Oh my love
Swept Back
The Sea
So Slow
River Song
If A Change Is Gonna Come

Pic by Nils Schlueter

Pic by Nils Schlueter

Pic by Nils Schlueter

Pic by Nils Schlueter

Pic by Nils Schlueter

Pic by Nils Schlueter

Pic by Nils Schlueter

Pic by Nils Schlueter

Pic by Nils Schlueter

Pic by Saskia Timm

Pic by Saskia Timm

Pic by Saskia Timm

Pic by Saskia Timm

Pic by Saskia Timm

Pic by Saskia Timm