Sophia - May 20 '04: Cselley Mühle, Oslip (AUT) "FM4 Tour"

Review 1
Sophia played at a wonderfully idyllic mill in middle of nowhere as one of a handful of other bands and DJs on the FM4 tour. FM4 is an Austrian radio station with an exceptionally good music taste which has been supporting Sophia a lot this year.
Anyway, I think it's a pitty most people did not seem to have come to see Sophia play in the first place, but because of the other bands. As a consequence, the atmosphere in the concert hall was not too enthusiastic and the audience appeared to be rather reserved, especially in comparison to the Viennese concert of the recent Sophia tour. On stage, Robin emphazised again that the show in Vienna was probably one of the best Sophia concerts ever. :-)
Robin was as entertaining and likeable as usual, fighting with the technical equipment and talking a little to the audience. That night, Sophia had a special "present" for us. Robin announced that they were going to perform "Holidays are nice" which will most likely be Sophias next single. After the song, he said that nobody should come up to him later complaining that the version was terrible, because it was the first time EVER they had been playing this song (live).
Unfortunately, not being the main act, Sophia's set was naturally no longer than approximately an hour (?). In other words: much too short! But I have to admit, I just can't get enough of this band, so it never
would last long enough for me and there would always be a few of my favourite songs missing. *g*
Anyway, even though I had the feeling of being very much the only one, I really enjoyed myself during the concert and am very much looking forward to seeing Sophia at the summer festivals.
Eva Knobloch

Review 2
Was den kommunikativen Menschen Robin Proper Sheppard anno 2004 angeht, ist er einer der umgänglichsten, witzigsten, charmantesten und angenehmsten Musiker auf Tour, die ich je erlebt habe. Gerade bei einer Reise wie der damaligen FM4 Tour ist man ja auf engstem Raum unterwegs. Die schönsten Erinnerungen sind Robin Proper Shepard, wie er in der Chelly Mühle Oslip um drei Uhr Früh neben Erlend Oye am DJ Pult steht und auf die Aufforderung des norwegischen DJs auch wirklich zu den elektronischen Beats zu singen beginnt, und als er gemeinsam mit den Hamburgern Die Sterne den Innsbrucker Treibhaus-Dancefloor unsicher macht.
Andreas Gstettner, FM4

Set list
so slow
if only
dester song no 2
every day
oh my love
holidays are nice (first time ever played)
the sea
river song
if a change is gonna come...

Bands on stage that night:
Die Sterne
und Hörspielcrew
Beautiful Kantine Band

pic by Christian Muhr

pic by Christian Muhr

pic by Christian Muhr

pic by Christian Muhr

pic by Christian Muhr

pic by Christian Muhr

pic by Christian Muhr

pic by Christian Muhr

pic by Christian Muhr

pic by Christian Muhr