what to expect from a 3 day trip with one of the bands you like
the most and playing in front of a decent bunch of people. well, i
expected nothing, just hoping for the best. and it ended up even better
than that. these weekends make you realize there's one thing you really
want to do fulltime. making music, playing live, meeting people..
it's not the easiest way of living, but it satisfies much more than
a pc on a desk.. anyhow, that's what i left thursday afternoon to
pick up our soundman J. at the trainstation. then a short drive to
arnhem to pick up the rest of the boys. the van was loaded, andreas
even took his amp with him for the violin-stuff. no keys this time
since saturday he has to perform with audiotransparent in w2, den
bosch.. while we will be in utrecht.
the drive to krefeld was not too long, we got there a bit too early.
big stage, big venue. the main hall with balcony could easily hold
1000 visitors. the place used to be a industrial hall i presumed,
hence the name kulturfabrik. krefeld is a bigger city than most people
know, at least bigger than i thought it would be. after unpacking
the waiting starts. sophia and the second band for the night (jansen)
will have to do their soundchecking first.
we enjoyed the food and the stuff in the fridge. making setlist. slow
song for a start or a faster one? being the first band you have to
make yourself heard.. showtime will be unearthly early (around 20:30),
at least for our standards. lucky enough the stage is big and the
other bands are quick with their soundcheck. we have decent time to
get our gear ready. the venue opens and the wait for showtime has
passed with a blink of the eye. dinner wisely served after showtime,
not ideal to get yourself stuffed right before a gig.
we start our show with winter, which sounds amazing from the stage.
the venue rapidly fills, at the end of our show 300 to 400 people
are there. since we're not advertised on posters i'm quite satisfied
with the early crowd. our set included roadkill, tide, backspace,
fix and polaroid. response was warm, people were quiet and listened.
once again we noticed the difference between dutch and german audiences.
we were thankful and satisfied. cd's were sold rapidly, i was stunned
by the amount, especially since we were the unannounced first band
to kick off the night at 20:30. krefeld rocks!
after our show we enjoyed the pizza and i saw some songs by the local
band who have supported sophia on most of the german tour: jansen.
quite enjoyable, a bit tom waits like. i have to admit it's normally
not my cup of tea. but the people were really nice and were simply
enjoying everything that night. after that the sophia-show.
i've seen most of it, but stayed also close to the merch.. it was
a good show and a month of touring obviously made the band a tight
machine. the crowd were above 600 when sophia left the stage.
some songs like ship in the sand and the sea were better than i've
heard them before. afther the show time for a beer. since it was jansen's
last show of their tour things had to end in style. therefore a pub
called blaue engel had to be found. krefeld is not a place i've been
before, and especially not a place were i could find my way easily
at night for the first time. guide robin showed us the way.
the pub wasn't a big party-dance-thing but a cozy late-night-drink'n'chill
kind of thing. so that's what we did. a long drive to amersfoort was
our next quest. coffee was ordered. sugar was spilled.
we met some people from the crowd earlier that eve so a lively conversation
made time fly fast. shook hands and took of to amerfoort. i don't
recall the time of arrival but it was quite late.. somewhere around
5 or 6 in the morning. hit the sack straight away and fell in some
sort of coma. next up was haarlem, which is a short drive, but first
the soothing sleep..z...zzzz..zz
T-tuszz, Lawn (
Set list
so slow
are you happy now
if only
swept back
desert song no 2
every day
oh my love
within without
the sea
ship in the sand
I left you
the river song
if a change is gonna come
Pics 1 to 4 by Lawn (

Pics 5-9 by Frank Szafinski
